Author Guidelines

  • Writing Rules:
    • Paper Size: A4
    • Margin: 3cm (top, right, bottom, left).
    • Title: Written centered, first letter capitalized, bold, Times New Roman font size 14pt.
    • Authors: names are written without using titles and include information on department/faculty/study program, institution/affiliation, city and province, written centered, Times New Roman font size 9pt.
    • Abstract: written in English. The abstract should contain at least the background (optional), research objectives, methods used and the main conclusions of the paper. Abstracts in English are written in italics, font size 10, Times New Roman font. Abstract in Indonesian is written with font size 10, Times New Roman font.
    • Keywords: written in 3-6 words or phrases, separated by semicolons.
    • Manuscript Length (bold subtitles): Manuscripts are written in a minimum of 8 pages and a maximum of 20 pages. A4 paper format, typed with 1.5 spaces. The typeface used is times new roman with a size of 12pt, the distance between paragraphs is 6pt.
    • Manuscript Organization: written using numbering (1, 2, 3, ...), using 12pt font size, 1.5 spaces and bolded. The manuscript contains writing that contains:
  1. INTRODUCTION: The introduction contains the background of the problem, hypothesis (if any), current references, objectives and literature review, benefits do not need to be written in the introduction. The introduction is also supported by similar and similar previous research. Linkages with previous concepts or theories, critically comparing, corroborating, or correcting with others' previous work. State of the art, gaps in analysis and novelty are seen here. Avoid discussing literature reviews and definitions that are general in nature.
  2. METHODS: Methods are supporting research in terms of data collection, research places, types and sources of research, research stages, development methods, and others needed in the method. Avoid writing general scientific concepts, literature reviews and general definitions.
  3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: A series of research results based on a logical sequence or arrangement to form a story. The content shows facts or data. Tables and figures may be used but do not repeat the same data in figures, tables and text. To further clarify the description, subheadings may be used. Discussion is an explanation of the basis, relationships and generalizations shown by the results. The description answers the research question. If there are questionable results then present them objectively.
  4. CONCLUSIONS: The conclusion should not contain references. Conclusions contain the facts obtained, sufficient to answer the problem or research objectives (do not constitute another discussion). State possible applications, implications and speculations as appropriate. If necessary, make suggestions for future research. State the conclusions in a measurable manner and in paragraph-shaped sentences, not in numbering or item-list form.
  5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (if any) : Acknowledgments (if any) can be made to those who have helped in this manuscript, mentioning the name of the funder and the provider of the facilities that helped.
  6. BIBLIOGRAPHY: The bibliography contains a list of readings referred to in the main reference such as scientific journals, proceedings, dissertations, theses, monographs, books, and others that are the result of direct research. Avoid sources from unofficial web pages.
  • Tables:
    • Tables should be numbered in order of presentation (Table 1, etc.). The title of the table is written above the table with a center justified position, no bold or color. The font size is 10pt for both the table title and table contents. Tables must be referenced and referenced in the manuscript and spaced 1 space apart. No perpendicular lines in tables, top header line is 1.5pt thick as in the example of Table 1.
  • Figures:
    • Figures are numbered in the order of presentation (Figure 1. etc.). The title of the figure is placed below the figure with a center justified position. The font size used in the figure title is 10pt. Figures should be referenced and referenced in the manuscript, as in Figure 1.
    • Images must be referenced and referenced in the manuscript. Use a high image resolution so that the image appears clearly like Figure 1. The size of the image must pay attention to the elements of readability, reasonableness, and aesthetics (proportional). Images with a size larger than the column can be positioned in the center of the page. Mention the source of the image if the image is from another source.
    • Equation or Formula:
    • Writing equations in italics using the equation editor with the index number in order at the far right, such as the example in Equation 1.
    • F is the resonant fundamental frequency (MHz), ?M is the total mass of gas molecules absorbed and A is the electrode area (cm2). Each variable in the formula must be explained in the form of a sentence as above. Avoid writing formula descriptions in item-list form. Program listing is not allowed, please write in the form of pseudocode or algorithm or flowchart.
  • Bibliography: The bibliography contains a list of readings referred to in the main reference such as scientific journals, proceedings, dissertations, theses, monographs, books, and others that are the result of direct research. The distance used for the bibliography is 1 space, the distance between paragraphs is 6pt, each first letter in the title is capitalized, written using the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th Edition style with Times 12pt alphabetically. At least 20 primary and recent references (last 5 years), each journal reference is accompanied by a reference linking Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Examples of writing citations from other sources can refer to the following link.
  • Article writing must comply with the writing requirements, as determined by the Jurnal Perilaku Kesehatan Terpadu (Jupiter) E-ISSN 2961-8525. For the link to the Journal Template Format, please click Download Template

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